We sent this letter to Minister Vaughn Granter this week. Its based on the valid concern for the stocks as due to the recent drop in oil prices the province of NL is going into deficit and everything is game for cuts. We hope that enforcement is not something that will be affected. Below is his response… we anticipated a more in depth response. Hopefully we will not forgot about our concerns .
The Honourable Vaughn Granter
Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture
Provincial Office
30 Strawberry Marsh Rd.
P.O. Box 8700
St. John’s, NL A1B 4J6
19 January 2015
Dear Minister Granter,
In light of recent projected budget deficits, we the Board members of SPAWN, The Salmon Preservation Association for the Waters of Newfoundland, are deeply concerned that the Department of Justice and Public Safety may face yet another budget cut. Over the past decade, the Department has had numerous cuts which we feel have made it very difficult for Conservation Officers to police our waters and protect species at risk, such as the Atlantic salmon.
The prospect of facing a possible budget decrease is a frightening one. Not only are illegal fishing activities on the rise, so are convictions under the Fisheries Act are also. This clearly shows the need for a budget increase instead! We the board members of SPAWN are very supportive of the work of Conservation Officers in these difficult times.
Your support in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Mike Rumboldt
SPAWN Board of Directors, Conservation and Enforcement Committee