Write Paul Carter (pcarter@gov.nl.ca) and let the Minister know you support the points made in the appeal of Reg 1874 and want a proper Environmental Assessment that protects us and our wild resources. Rendering sick fish needs to be done right!
Harbour Breton Fish Meal Plant (Reg.1874)
Proponent: Barry Group Inc.
On July 12, 2017, the minister received an appeal of the decision to release the above undertaking from further environmental assessment. Under the Environmental Protection Act, the minister is required to respond to the appeal within 30 days. An extension of 30 days has been agreed to by the appellant to respond to the appeal. The appeal document can be viewed on the department’s website at: http://www.mae.gov.nl.ca/env_assessment/projects/Y2016/1874/index.html . Questions can be directed to Paul Carter, Environmental Scientist, Department of Municipal Affairs and Environment, at 709-729-0188 or by email at pcarter@gov.nl.ca.
The deadline for public comments has been extended and is now due by August 22, 2017. The minister’s decision on the appeal is due by September 9, 2017.